Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weddings = Drama. At least in my family

My baby brother signed his life away yesterday. Okay, he actually got married and I'm very happy and proud of him. Jamee, his new wife, is amazing and I couldn't ask for a better sister in law. Chad and Jamee met at Walmart, where they both worked, in 2007. He asked her to marry him in December of 2007 and she said yes. My family immediately welcomed her with open arms. And the wedding plans started almost the next day.

I wasn't asked to be in the wedding based purely due to Jamee only knowing me for 6 months when Chad asked her to marry him. She thought that her friends would find that odd. I didn't care. I really didn't want to be in the wedding anyway. (I'm not much of a wedding person).

After a year and a half of wedding planning, the big day arrived. Like a good sister/daughter. I had bought a new dress, shoes, went and had my hair/nails done and bought my son new clothes to wear, etc. The damn wedding cost me like $500 and I wasn't even in it! But anyway....

My boyfriend, son and I arrive at the church and we get seated behind the pew that my parent's are in. The mothers are escorted in and they go light candles and then are seated. My mom sits down and starts bawling like a baby. My brother wasn't even standing at the alter yet. I tapped my dad on the shoulder and asked him what her problem was and he said he didn't know. My mother has fibromyalgia and sometimes we think that she acts like it hurts her alot more than what it really does. See, my mother is a hypochondriac. There really are legitimate things wrong with her, but everytime some new disease is talked about (ie: swine flu), she swears that she's got it. Her whole "whoa is me" act gets old..quickly. Just yesterday morning, I told my friend Jonikka that my mother was going to pull something to take the attention from Chad and Jamee and focus it on her. Jonikka, who would be attending the reception, told me that she'd catch up with me then to find out if and what had happend. Jonikka has been doing my mom and my's hair since we graduated from highschool. She knows my mom's charades very well. brother walks to the alter and it's my turn to start crying. I don't know why, I just do. My boyfriend swears I'm going through early menapause because I'll cry at anything. We are asked to stand up as Jamee will be making her entrance and I really start crying. Jamee looked beautiful. I had gone with her to her final fitting just a week before the wedding and I almost started crying then. Let's just say I was a crying fool yesterday. The ceremony lasts a half hour, they announce my brother and Jamee as husband and wife and everyone applaudes. We head out to the reception area of the church and my mom is sitting on the couch, crying from the "pain" and just trying to get sympthy from anyone who will listen. Of course it's my grandma and great-grandma. My dad, boyfriend, and I stand away from them talking to other people. We're not concerned. We've seen this one too many times.

The boyfriend and I decide that we're going home for a couple hours before the reception. No point in standing around while the pictures are being taken. I'm just the sister of the groom. I'm not going to be in any. (So I thought). We go home, releax and leave for the reception around 6. I immediately start drinking as soon as the bar opens. Due to the fact that we've been seated with my mom and dad. My boyfriend gave me the, "You owe me soooo big" look. He doesn't like my mother. Which is understandable. I love my mom, but don't always like her at times.

We get through dinner somewhat okay. She hardly eats stating that her "back hurts really bad". Well dumbass...did you bring your morphine pills? No? Why not? Because she's drinking. Well then, have another...I'll get it for you. Obviously...the bloody mary's she was drinking were pretty light because they did nothing for her. The cranberry vodkas I was drinking (12 to be exact by the end of the night) were spot on! Loved the bartender!

My mom had to dance with my brother for the Groom & Mother dance. All is well, or so it appears. They're talking and smiling. My mom comes back to the table and just stands next to her brother and his wife. My uncle asks her if she's going to sit down. She tries to sit and immedately starts bawling. My boyfriend and I look at each other and roll our eyes. Even my brother, who was now sitting back at the bridal table looks at me with a "WTF" look. My uncle ends up taking my mom outside to the car to sit because, "she can't stand the pain any longer". Yeah sure...

An hour later, she comes back inside and sits down with her friend and her husband. My dad has since wandered away to go talk to other people. My mother is perfectly fine. She's laughing and talking. She even gets up and starts dancing with her friend, her friend's daughter and her friend and myself. We're talking the "YMCA" dance. She's having a good time. No pain what-so-ever. My brother then pulls me away and asks what she's doing. I shrugged and said, "You know mom" and left it at that.

By the end of the night, she was helping clear off the tables and acting like nothing had happened. I've yet to call her to see how she's feeling. I'm dealing with a massive hangover as it is.

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